

Toolkit five: Self-guided learning exercises

Toolkit five: Self-guided learning exercises

In this toolkit, we offer eight self-guided exercises to help you go deeper into key topics and skills for catalysing systemic change:

  • Experimentation and learning,
  • Scaling – especially scaling deep,
  • Connecting social and ecological systems approaches,
  • Exploring and challenging dominant economic systems,
  • Working with uncertainty,
  • Understanding and dealing with wicked problems,
  • Caring for oneself as a changemaker, and
  • Evaluating in complex contexts.

Each worksheet can be downloaded so that you can work offline and at your own pace. And each is only a beginning, but points to resources that can lead you much further, as you are ready to go deeper.

Acknowledgements: This toolkit was created by the Interaktiv kapacitetsutveckling för systeminnovation i utvecklingssamarbete/Interactive capacity development for system innovation in development co-operation​ (IXUS) collaboration, supported by a grant from Sida, and building upon thought leadership in a number of changemaker programmes from the Stockholm Resilience Centre, University of Cape Town, Adapt, Southern Africa Food Labs, University of Waterloo, and University of Victoria.

Please note that if you encounter any difficulties accessing the links, we recommend switching browsers for seamless access to our resources.

Chapter 1

Self-guided learning exercises


8 resources