Studier, Forskning och Granskningar

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ+) Youth in Thailand: Exploratory research report

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Save the Children International

While Thailand has the reputation of being an accepting and tolerant country of different sexual orientations and gender expressions, the LGBTIQ+ community experience widespread stigma and discrimination. The freedoms of this community is still limited: there is no legal recognition of transgender people and the law does not recognize marriage equality.

There is a significant gap in research and data on the experiences of LGBTIQ+ youth in Thailand. Very few .organizations work specifically with youth and those that do tend to do so through small-scale interventions. This report aims to gain a better understanding of the situation of LGBTIQ+ youth in Thailand, to map existing support and services for LGBTIQ+ youth and identify where gaps exist, and to provide recommendations for future programming to address the gaps.

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