AAH, Action Against Hunger, ABAAD, ActionAid, Akkar Network for Development, Al Majmoua, ALEF, Act for Human Rights, Amel, Amel Association International, Arcenciel, Basmeh w Zeitooneh, Bibliotheques Sans Frontieres, CAFOD, Catholic Agency For Overseas Development, CARE International, Caritas Lebanon, Caritas Switzerland, Christian Aid, Dorcas, DPNA, Development for People and Nature Association, DRC, Danish Refugee Council, Finn Church Aid, Human Appeal, IRC, International Rescue Committee, JIF, Jordan NGO Forum, Lebanese Center for Human Rights, LHIF, Lebanon Humanitarian INGO Forum, LOST, Lebanese Organization for Studies and Training, Makassed Association, Makhzoumi Foundation, MdM, Médecins du Monde, Mercy Corps, NRC, Norwegian Refugee Council, Oxfam International, People in Need, Save the Children, SAWA for Development and Aid, SHEILD Association, SIRF, Syria INGO Forum, Syria Relief and Development, Tabitha, URDA, Union of Relief and Development Associations, WVI, World Vision International, Youth for Development
Content type
Reports, Study: Research
Children affected by armed conflict, Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL)