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Save the Children International, Save the Children Uganda
Okello, Caroline Abalo
Content type
Study: Evaluations
Adolescent Skills for Successful Transitions, Adolescent, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Advocacy, Basic Education, Child Participation, Child Poverty, Children with Disabilities, Disability Inclusion, Education, Food Security and Livelihoods, Gender Equality, Resilience
Adolescent Wellbeing, Adolescents, Advocacy, Campaigns and Strategic Partnerships, Economic empowerment, Employment Skills, Financial literacy, Gender, Gender and Social Norms Transformation, Gender-based violence (GBV), Life Skills, Literacy, Numeracy, Reproductive Health and Family Planning, Sexual gender-based violence, Sexuality Education and Life Planning, VYA, Very Young Adolescent, Women's and girls' empowerment, Youth Empowerment