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How to Child Rights African Learning Events: How to engage children in follow up to reporting to the Global and AU human rights mechanisms Session 2: The Children’s Session

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How to Child Rights series

The How To Child Rights Series is setting out to build joint efforts with key likeminded networks and partners working on follow up to reporting with the UN and African human rights mechanisms to deliver three regional learning events in Africa, aiming to:

  • Provide guidance on why and how to engage children in a safe, sustained and meaningful manner with an inclusive lens during the monitoring and advocacy follow up stages of the review process of States
  • Hear from good practices of children who have been engaged in follow up to the CRC Committee, ACERWC, UPR and VNR reporting processes.

Through sharing experiences and guidance from children, youth, and civil society, we hope these events will encourage children and adults that support children to be more involved in human rights monitoring, advocacy follow up and the next reporting.

These are the resources from the Second Event, The Children’s Session, focussing on how children can and are doing follow up, which was held on 24th August.

Find the resources from the first event on 5th June 2024 on why children should be involved here.

Find the resources from the third event on 30th October 2024, on what we can do to support children, here.

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