Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Reports

Youth Voices: Participatory action research with adolescents affected by the Syria crisis in Egypt and Lebanon

Publication year:


English, Arabic


pdf (3.1 MiB)


Save the Children

This publication is the outcome of a participatory action research (PAR) project to provide evidence on the situation of Syrian and host community adolescent girls and boys in Egypt and Lebanon by enabling them to voice their concerns. The project was also used to assess whether PAR is an appropriate tool when working with adolescents in humanitarian contexts.

The publication is divided into three sections: Section 1 explains what PAR is and how it can be applied to adolescents and youth in humanitarian contexts; Section 2 summarises the Youth Voices project, identifies lessons learned and highlights key recommendations; and Section 3 is a ‘how to’ guide for anyone considering introducing the PAR approach with adolescents and youth in other humanitarian contexts. Practical tools and resources, which can be adapted for use in other projects, are provided in the annexes.


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