Study: Evaluations

Youth Empowerment Bulgari Final Project Evaluation

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Save the Children Italy

The Youth Empowerment Bulgari (YEB) project was delivered over a five-year period (January 2016 – December 2020) and aimed to empower marginalised and deprived adolescents and youths (AYs) in Albania, Bolivia, Nepal and Uganda to develop essential life skills and improve their livelihoods, so that they can fulfil their full potential. 

The project focused on three key pillars: personal development; education and training; and economic empowerment. In addition, YEB encouraged adolescents to actively participate in their communities and aimed to create an enabling environment by engaging with local employers, services and institutions.

This evaluation includes recommendations for future youth empowerment programming, to ensure the most marginalised and deprived adolescents and youths are given the support and opportunities that they need to improve their circumstances, advocate for their rights, and fulfil their future potential.

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