Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Who’s Responsible?: A tool to strengthen cooperation between actors involved in the protection system for unaccompanied migrant children

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Save the Children

Save the Children Sweden together with UNHCR’s Bureau for Europe, NIDOS in the Netherlands, Coram Children’s Legal Centre in the UK, Save the Children Italy, Don Calabria Institute, the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies in Italy and the County Administration in Västra Götaland in Sweden, have received funding from the EU for a 12 month project, ending in September 2014. The project aims were to identify and promote good practices on reception and protection of unaccompanied migrant children based on national mappings carried out in Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK.

In the framework of the CONNECT Project, Save the Children has been responsible to map the activities related to the implementation of the Italian system of protection of unaccompanied children. Moreover, in order to deepening the knowledge on roles and procedures developed by each actor, Save the Children has settled a working tool: a practical guidance, that could provide help in identifying roles and responsibilities of both public and private actors involved in the child protection system for unaccompanied children.

This tool is a practical guidance that can give practical indication on how to identify roles and responsibilities of both public and private actors involved in the child protection system for unaccompanied children, ensuring the application of national and supranational legislation.

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