Case Studies and Success Stories

Voices Nepal Testimonial Videos

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Youtube Clip


Save the Children Nepal,Save the Children US

The VOICES intervention seeks to encourage parents of very young adolescents (ages 10-14) to make gender equality changes in their homes and communities. VOICES uses short emotional testimonials, from people who have successfully adopted key behaviours, to stimulate discussion, catalyze reflection, and lead to behaviour change. 

This series contains six testimonial videos from Nepal:

  • Video 1 features parents who evenly divided household tasks among their sons and daughters
  • Video 2 features parents who encourage equal amounts of time off for homework for girls and boys
  • Video 3 features parents who have encouraged their daughters to stay in school and have agreed to delay marriage for their daughters
  • Video 4 features parents who encourage boys and girls to share their hopes and dreams
  • Video 5 features fathers and mothers who provide equal food for boys and girls
  • Video 6 focuses on behaviours that equally bring hope to girls and boys with small but significant actions

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

Video 5

Video 6

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