Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Violence against Women and Girls: Education sector brief

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IDB, International Institute of Development Policies,The Global Women's Institute, George Washington University,The World Bank Group

The resource guide describes the interrelation between education and Violence against women and girls (VAWG), which includes recommendations for VAWG interventions. The guide recommend a rapid situation analysis and highlight key areas for integration of VAWG in education at policy and community level. The guide recommend a rapid situation analysis and highlights key areas for integration of VAWG in education at policy level, institutional/sectoral level and community level. The levels are illustrated with practical examples from the field. The audience for the resource guide is key staff from the education sector: MoE, local education authorities and school teachers as well as NGOs and UN staff. The resource guide has attachment of a range of recommended resources for integrating VAWG into education sector projects: Guides and tools, research and references.

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