Teaching Resources

Using Tablets and Satellite-based Internet to Deliver Numeracy Education to Marginalized Children in a Developing Country

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American University of Sharjah,Save the Children,Teletaleem (Pvt) Limited

The intervention presented in this paper is premised on a theory of change that stipulates that learning outcomes in marginalized communities can be improved by a holistic just-in-time approach with a tight feedback loop that addresses children, parents and the community simultaneously. In this intervention a satellite-enabled traveling van visits a cluster of schools once every two weeks. During this visit, teachers in cluster schools are provided numeracy training through remote tutoring. In addition, each teacher is provided with an Android tablet containing content and assessments for children. During the two weeks, the teacher collects assessment data from the children using the Android tablet. In addition, Stalling’s videos of teacher’s classroom behavior are recorded and analyzed by master trainers on a monthly basis. Teachers and school committees are kept informed about their children’s progress via SMS messages. The intervention targeted 24 schools in four clusters for one academic year in Pakistan. EGMA type tests were used to establish baseline and endline results for Grade 2 students. The results are that medium learning effects were achieved.

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