Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Using Household Economy Analysis to Strengthen the Shock-responsiveness of the Social Cash Transfer Programme in Malawi

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Save the Children UK

This one-pager summarises a project being implemented in Malawi with funding from Irish Aid, to help strengthen the shock-responsiveness of a social protection programme called the Social Cash Transfer Programme, using a tool called Household Economy Analysis (HEA). HEA is an analytical tool developed originally by Save the Children that can be used to forecast the impact of shocks such as drought on groups of households characterized by different livelihood patterns. The analysis identifies by how much and when income and food sources will likely be impacted, thereby pointing to appropriate interventions across different wealth groups. Moreover, it details the value and duration of income support required to meet food and income needs (i.e. cash transfers) as well as informing specific livelihood strengthening interventions that could be provided alongside income support (based on localized livelihood types).

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