Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Reports

UNGEI AT 10. A Journey to Gender Equality in Education

Publication year:


English, French




UNGEI, United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative,UNICEF, United Nations Children's Fund

Launched in Dakar, Senegal, in 2000 by then United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, the United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative (UNGEI) promotes girls’ education and works for gender equality in education through a network of partners at the global, regional, national and sub-national levels. This report is an overview of the current state of girls’ education and gender equality. It includes a summary of UNGEI activities and functions, a review of remaining challenges and a sketch of the future direction of UNGEI. The report documents UNGEI’s activities over the last 10 years and its value-added function in advancing the Millennium Development Goals as they relate to gender, education, poverty reduction and the Education for All goals.

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