Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Understanding Hazard, Vulnerability, and Capacity Assessments (HVCAs) in Urban Contexts: A 5-Step Process Guide, Consultation edition

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Save the Children Switzerland

Understanding Hazard, Vulnerability and Capacity Assessments (HVCAs) in urban contexts helps you plan and choose your urban child-centred HVCA approaches more effectively. It helps you reflect upon and question the decisions you make during the HVCA and guides the adaptation and localisation process. This integrating approach can be applied across multiple tools/toolkits and operational contexts. It ensures consistency in planning for each individual HVCA, but allows for flexibility regarding the choice, application and modification of individual methods and tools. This process guide recognises the current challenges  and integrates a HVCA process approach to help integrate HVCAs outcomes into local or sectoral planning processes. Numerous high-quality HVCA tools are already available to draw on to design and organise an assessment. Rather than prescribing particular tools or toolkits, this five-step process guide will help you analyse, interrogate and carefully craft the assessment design and combination of tools appropriate to your context.

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