
Understanding children’s work and youth employment outcomes in Laos: Summary Report

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The report examines the related issues of child labour and youth employment in Laos. Guided by observed outcomes in terms of schooling, work activities and status in the labour market, the report considers the economic as well as the social determinants of child labour and youth employment difficulties. It was developed jointly by the three UCW partner agencies. As such, it provides an important common basis for action in addressing child labour and youth employment issues. 

After reviewing the national context of children’s work and youth employment, the report focuses more closely on three areas: children’s involvement in work and schooling, youth employment outcomes, and current policies and programmes addressing child labour and youth employment concerns. 

The concluding portion of the report focuses on specific policy priorities for responding to child labour and youth labour market concerns. These priority areas include improving school access and quality, expanding early childhood education, expanding social protection, raising awareness, etc. 

A full version of this summary report is available here.

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