Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Trop peu, trop tard – La financement de la protection de l’enfant dans les situations d’urgence

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CPWG, The Child Protection Working Group

For several years there has been concern within the field of child protection that funding of emergency response work is signifi cantly lower than for other humanitarian sectors. In any emergency situation,
children are particularly at risk of significant protection problems related to separation from families, abandonment, physical, psychological and sexual abuse, exploitation and neglect, and lack of access to critical rights and services such as health, shelter and education. The implications of lower levels of funding are that vital responses by UN humanitarian agencies and NGOs to these problems are severely reduced, further compromising the protection and survival of children in emergencies.
This briefing paper presents the findings of a second review commissioned by the CPWG of child protection funding in emergencies. It analyses funding in 2008 and 2009, making comparisons with the first report, which analysed data from 2007.

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