
Towards Non-violent Schools: Prohibiting all corporal punishment, Global Report 2015

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Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children

Towards Non-violent Schools: Prohibiting all corporal punishment, prepared and published by the Global Initiative to End all Corporal Punishment of Children, is a global report of the status of prohibition of corporal punishment in schools.

As of May 2015, corporal punishment is unlawful in all schools in 125 states, yet 73 states still fail to fully prohibit corporal punishment in learning institutions. The Global Initiative sees this as a violation of states’ human rights obligation to prohibit all corporal punishment, wherever children and whoever the perpetrator.

The study continues with notable research and the necessary need of law reform; examples are given of both laws that prohibit and authorise corporal punishment in schools. State-by-state information is also provided on opportunities for prohibition as well as best-case scenarios where law reform has achieved change.

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