Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Too Young to Wed: The growing problem of child marriage among Syrian girls in Jordan

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Save the Children

This briefing focuses on a less publicized consequence of the crisis in Syria:  the rising number of refugee girls who have been forced to marry. Refugee communities in Jordan were the focus of this investigation, although similar trends have appeared in other refugee communities in Iraq, Egypt, and Turkey.

Statistics show the percentage of registered marriages, where the bride was under 18, have risen dramatically over the past three years in Syrian refugee communities in Jordan: 12% in 2011, 18% in 2012, and 25% in 2013. Dwindling resources, difficulties in providing security for children, and the threat of sexual violence are all seen as reasons for the latest increases in child marriage.

This briefing provides a snapshot of the complex situation of Syrian refugee girls in Jordan. More research is needed as well as a means to address this latest consequence of the conflict in Syria. 

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