Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Syria Regional Crisis Response: External dashboards – Updated Monthly

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Save the Children

According to UNHCR, 5,682,058 people have now fled Syria. Children make up 45% of the refugee population, corresponding to an estimate of 2,556,926 refugee children. To date, we have reached 3,881,246 people in Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Turkey, and Syria, including approx. 2,536,017 children.

Save the Children has worked in the Middle East for decades. Since July 2012, Save the Children has been running an ambitious emergency response campaign to the growing crisis in the region. We have so far received $342.6m for our humanitarian interventions in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Turkey, and Syria. This external dashboard is updated every month with the latest data on the progress that has been made in response to this ongoing humanitarian crisis.

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