Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Sweet Dreamers: Verksamhet för unga vuxna i papperslöshet

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Save the Children Sweden

Sweet Dreamers was started in January 2018 in collaboration with a Study Association and other civil actors. The purpose was and is to work in a holistic way with the participants’ psychosocial situation. It was the young people themselves who came to the organizations and expressed a need for school-like activities. From that, Sweet Dreamers was created. The idea was that organized employment would facilitate the difficult psychological pressures young people lived in.

The reason for the material being produced is that there were requests from various partners who also worked with the target group. They wanted to know how they could start a similar business and if there was any written material about Sweet Dreamers that they could share. At that time, there was a need for activities for unregistered young adults.

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