Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Teaching Resources

Sticks and Stones: A training manual for facilitators on how to increase the involvement of children in their own protection

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Plan International

This manual is for facilitators on how to increase the involvement of children in their own protection. It is the sequel to Bamboo Shoots, Plan International’s training manual on child-centred community development/child-led community actions for facilitators working with children and youth groups.

The manual is divided into four sections. An introduction outlines the purpose, the why and how of its development, who it is for, and how it should be used. The first part provides technical assistance such as background information on different aspects of child protection issues. Part two prepares trainers and facilitators on working with children on increasing protection, and important information on how to work safely and appropriately with children on protection issues. The final section provides 23 activities that can be used depending on age group and adapted according to cultural setting and abilities of the participants.

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