
Social Services in Kosovo: Legal and Budget Assessment

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Save the Children

In April 2007, Save the Children in Kosovo (SCiK) contracted HMO Solutions to conduct an assessment of social services in Kosovo from a legal and financial perspective. The results and recommendations presented in the report aim to facilitate SCiK advocacy efforts to improve the quality of social services in Kosovo. The report analyzes the level of (de)centralization and the level of financial autonomy delegated to municipalities for provision of social services. The results and recommendations presented in the report aim to facilitate SCiK advocacy to improve the quality of social services, specifically services that target children.
This first chapter of the report finishes with the explanation of the methodology used for the study. Current law approval procedures in Kosovo, including the role of civil society in this process are presented in the second chapter. The third chapter gives a detailed analysis of Family Law and Law on Social and Family Services. Current provision and financing of social services and the level of decentralization of such services are presented in chapter four and the last chapter sets out a number of Conclusions and Recommendations.



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