Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Snakk om Nettkontakt: Utfordringer og muligheter knyttet til kontakt på sosiale medier mellom barn under offentlig omsorg og deres foreldre

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Save the Children Norway

Children in state care and online contacts

Social media has led children who are in state care to have far more contact with their parents than is stipulated in contact agreements. Adults who care for these children either professionally or as foster parents often do not have an overview of the children’s online contacts, including the contact they have with their parents.

To meet this gap, Save the Children Norway has developed the guide Talk about online contact! Challenges and opportunities related to social media contact between children in state care and their parents. The guide is based on input from young people who were formerly in state care, foster parents, biological parents and professionals in the child welfare service. It stresses the importance of talking about the scope and quality of online contact, so that adults around the children can facilitate good and predictable contact between the children and their parents.

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