
Situational Analysis of Children at Risk in Bulgaria

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ECPAT International,Neglected Children Society

This Situational analysis was realized in the framework of the international project Mario – Joint Action to Protect Children from Exploitation in Europe funded by the OAK Foundation.
In 2009, ECPAT Bulgaria published and disseminated the first Situational Analysis of the Actions against Sexual Exploitation of Children in Bulgaria. The purpose of the report was to present basic information about the extent and nature of different forms of child sexual exploitation in Bulgaria.
This second publication, “Situational Analysis of Some Groups of children at Risk in Bulgaria”, focuses on a wider range of problems related to different groups of children in risk situations and adresses the issues faced by different institutions in delivering the required child protection services. The reports draws on various sources among which comments and recommendations of international organisations, national statistics as well as empirical analyses undertaken, among others, in the framework of the project Mario.
This publication was prepared under the guidance of ECPAT Bulgaria – National Affiliate Group with the support of a team of experts in the framework of Project “MARIO – Joint Action to Protect Children from Exploitation in Europe”, funded by OAK Foundation.

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