Policies, Standards, and Strategies, Reports

Save the Children’s Education Strategic Direction, 2016-2018

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Save the Children

Every child has a right to education as written in international law, and Save the Children will not rest until all children enjoy that right. In addition to being a right, good quality education is the means by which we equip our children with the knowledge, attitudes and skills they need to thrive in the world.

In Save the Children’s global work with education, they will focus on those boys and girls who are deprived of quality learning opportunities and have the poorest learning outcomes. This means Save the Children will prioritise those children living in poverty, are suffering from exclusion or discrimination because of their gender, have a disability or are affected by humanitarian crises. At a regional or country-level, other causes of deprivation and marginalization may be more relevant and so should guide their work there (for example, being part of a minority ethnic group).

This publication puts forth Save the Children’s direction for the education programme from 2016 to 2018. Equity and inclusivity will be key concepts in programming to support the most deprived children to learn. Download the report to learn about how Save the Children’s work with education will grow and change in the coming years.

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