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Save the Children Italia: Rapporto attività 2014

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Save the Children Italy

In many ways, it seems that the world in 2014 has taken a step backwards. Because of social, political and religious rifts. Because of the brutality towards the civilian population and, above all, because of the intolerable violence committed against children. 25 years after the signing of the historic UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1 million children live in conflict areas, 650 million are in extreme poverty and 57 million do not go to school.

In Italy, 50,000 fewer children are born than 25 years ago and 13.8% of children live in absolute poverty. This year’s events and statistics fuel our concern, increase our sense of responsibility and demand the urgency of our intervention towards the most vulnerable.

Education is the most valuable resource for child development and the most effective tool for combating poverty, marginalization and exploitation. For this reason, education remains the most significant area of ​​intervention for Save the Children Italy, with 43% of the resources allocated to the beneficiaries identified among the most vulnerable and marginalized in the world. 

Learn more about this and other important parts of Save the Children Italy’s work through this 2014 activity report.

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