Reports, Study: Evaluations

Rewrite the Future Global Evaluation – Afghanistan Midterm Country Report

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Save the Children International

Rewrite the Future is a global programme and campaign by Save the Children that aims to bring quality education to children in countries affected by conflict. The global evaluation seeks to investigate how Save the Children’s project level interventions have contributed to improving the quality of primary education for children affected by conflict. The evaluation is being carried out in two phases, a 2008 phase (focusing on process) and a 2010 phase (focusing on the outcomes). It includes case studies of four country programmes: Angola, Nepal, Southern Sudan and Afghanistan. Each country evaluation team has selected a particular area of focus to illustrate an innovative and effective approach that targets the particular issues in the quality of education within that country. The Afghanistan Midterm Country Report focuses principally on the participation of children and parents in the education process at the primary school level, and how increased participation can lead to improvements in other aspects of educational quality. It looks at student participation, and parental and community participation in school level educational development, and also considers student participation in the learning process, both inside and outside the classroom.

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