Policies, Standards, and Strategies, Reports

Revisión Intermedia del Plan Estratégico 2010-2014 de Save the Children (Oficina de País Nicaragua). Informe final

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Save the Children

A midterm review of Save the Children (SC) Nicaragua’s Strategic Plan 2010 – 2014 to assess the overall performance of Save the Children’s programmes, and the effectiveness of work with partners from the perspective of participants. The report focuses on the impact achieved on the lives of children and adolescents, as well as on adult target groups involved in project implementation taking into account their opinions and perceptions.

 Specific purposes:

a. Review objectives, as defined in the Strategy Matrix 2010 – 2014 and reported in Annual Reports 2010 and 2011, to assess whether these were achieved by the date of review, and provide recommendations to improve compliance.

b. Review the progress made in compliance with programme indicators, and define the main challenges to be dealt with during the remainder of the period 2012-2014 in the current national context.

c. Identify proposals put forward by children and adolescents and other local actors with potential to increase project and programme efficiency in terms of the impact of our actions.

d. Keep informed of how the progress made by projects implemented by SC and its partners during the first two years of Strategic Plan implementation is assessed based on the perceptions and opinions expressed by children and adolescents and other local actors (parents, caregivers and representatives of duty bearers, among others).

e. Identify good practices and main lessons learned.

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