Reports, Study: Evaluations

Return to Learning Endline Report: Bekaa, Lebanon

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Lebanon,Save the Children US

The Return to Learning (RtL) program includes six weeks of content, two days a week, in non-formal learning environments. RtL aims to support continuous learning for those affected by violence and conflict and decrease the gap in time between displacement and access to learning opportunities in contexts of forced displacement. Working with facilitators who may have limited experience teaching children, RtL provides facilitators with support and tailored content to help children develop skills to return to non-formal and formal education opportunities. In June 2019, facilitators were trained on how to use an online dashboard which showed the average scores of children in their centers and of the ages with whom they worked for differentiated instruction. This report analyses how RtL supports learners through this tailored approach and what potential outcomes we can measure in the two instances of the program implemented in Lebanon in 2019.

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