
Resource for the Rights of the Child – Responsibility of the States: Recommendations

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English, Spanish


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Save the Children Sweden

The annual event known as the Day of General Discussion seeks to foster a deeper understanding of the contents and implications of the Convention as they relate to specific articles or topics. On 21 September 2007, during its forty-sixth session, the Committee devoted its Day of General Discussion to the issue of “Resources for Children – Responsibility of States”, Investments for the Implementation of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of Children and International Cooperation (CRC article 4). Certain issues raised by the second part of Article 4 required further discussion and consideration and, especially, the obligations of States parties regarding the implementation of economic, social and cultural rights.

For this event, more than 120 participants (including States parties, international organisations, NGOs as well as individual experts) met and more than 40 written contributions were sent prior. Participants were divided into two working groups, which proceeded to discuss the concept of ‘available resources’ and their allocation to children, and the use of these resources to the ‘maximum extent’ respectively. This document concludes with recommendations for States on how to address the particular issues. 

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