
Report on Implementation of Action Plan for Children

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Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth, Republic of Albania,Save the Children Albania

All children, without any distinction, enjoy full rights and in particular they enjoy the right to be protected. The Convention on the Rights of the Child that Albania has ratified since 1992 is an international treaty that sets standards for the rights of children as well as the obligations of State Parties to fulfill them. The implementation in practice of the Convention on the Rights of the Child is a serious issue and requires responsiveness and commitment.

The objectives and actions of the Action Plan for Children 2012-2015 aim at the realization of these rights. The Plan pays special attention to the realization of the rights for social protection and inclusion, protection from all forms of violence, abuse and exploitation, quality and comprehensive education, quality health services and legal protection. At the end of the four years of implementation of the Plan, it is important to assess the achievements made so far, gaps in implementation and obligations that derive for the future.

The report prepared by the State Agency for Protection of Child Rights analyzes the implementation of the objectives and the current situation of the rights of children in Albania.

The report shows that we have taken steps forward in the promotion and realization of children’s rights in Albania. However, it also identifies gaps and makes recommendations that will guide institutions and their actions in the future. This report will inform the National Agenda for Children’s Rights 2016-2020.

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