Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Policies, Standards, and Strategies

Reference Module for Cluster Coordination at Country Level

Publication year:


English, French


(452.4 KiB)


Global Cluster Coordinators’ Group,IASC, Inter-Agency Standing Committee

This module provides guidance for implementing the cluster approach at country level. The cluster approach was adopted to address gaps and to increase the effectiveness of humanitarian response by building partnerships. It ensures that international responses to humanitarian emergencies are predictable and accountable and have clear leadership by making clearer the division of labour between organizations, and their roles and responsibilities in different areas. It aims to make the international humanitarian community better organized and more accountable and professional so that it can be a better partner for affected people, host Governments, local authorities, local civil society and resourcing partners.

It is to be understood, at the same time, that the cluster approach is not the only humanitarian coordination solution. In some cases, it may coexist with other forms of national or international coordination, and its application must take into account the specific needs of a country and the context. 

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