Case Studies and Success Stories, Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Ready for Action: Campaigning at the grassroots and in coalition

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Save the Children UK

In countries across the world, people are finding ways to challenge injustice and improve lives. They are campaigning for change with energy and clarity of purpose, often against great odds. So much can be learned from the real-life examples and inspiring stories told by campaigners in Kenya, Cameroon, Ghana and Pakistan. ‘Ready for Action’ takes these stories as its inspiration and starting point and presents a set of 5 recommendations useful for anyone keen to develop campaigning at the grassroots and in coalition:

  1. starting off campaigns with a clear purpose;
  2. building from the grassroots;
  3. working in coalition with others;
  4. understanding who drives the campaign and,
  5. approaching the task ahead.

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