Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

¿Quién te quiere a ti? Guía para padres y madres. Cómo educar en positivo

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Save the Children Spain

“¿Quién te quiere a ti? Guía para padres y madres. Cómo educar en positivo” is a guide that leads parents to be better able to handle mishaps and crisis with their children without resorting to yelling, spanking, humiliation and threats. Corporal punishment has been shown to be an instigator of a host of long-lasting negative effects on children, such as feelings of loneliness and pain, fear, guilt and low self-esteem. Moreover, it has been proven that physical and humiliating punishment is not only a violation of children’s human rights but is also ineffective as a means of discipline.
This practical guide provides useful information on positive parenting and positive discipline that works for parents of children between the ages of 0-18. It addresses issues common to all parents and a variety of developmental stage issues relevant to the age group.
The guide has been produced with the support of the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services & Equity, and is part of Save the Children’s work in promoting positive parenting in the context of the awareness campaigns against corporal punishment of children within the family: “Educa, no pegues” (“Teach, don´t hit”), or “Corregir no es pegar” (“Correcting is not hitting”).
Positive parenting is very important in a child’s life as it supports all aspects of healthy child development. It draws on patience, flexibility, dedication and effort. It’s not always easy to parent positively, but it is possible.

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