Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Teaching Resources

Queriendo se entiende la familia: Guía de intervención sobre parentalidad positiva para profesionales

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Save the Children Spain

Queriendo se entiende la familia: Guía de intervención sobre parentalidad positiva para profesionales,  is a positive parenting intervention guide developed by Save the Children Spain. The guide is intended for professionals with training in the education and social service fields. It is a useful resource for any service or professional offering parenting advice to those caring for children of all age groups – from infancy to adolescence. The contents of this guide draw significantly on Save the Children’s  previous experiences of training programmes aimed to raise the awareness among professionals about the effects of physical and psychological punishment on children and the need to end such punishment. This guide compiles the information gathered during workshop sessions held throughout 2012-2013, in which parents and caretakers had the opportunity to participate, together with their children, in efforts to improve or build parenting skills and practices.

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