
Putting Priority into Practice: Sida’s implementation of its plan for gender integration

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EBA, Expertgruppen för Biståndsanalys

In 2014 Sweden became the first country in the world to launch a feminist foreign policy with the ambition to apply “a systematic gender equality perspective throughout the whole foreign policy agenda”. The Government has even issued a Handbook for the Feminist Foreign Policy (launched in 2018) that prescribes gender mainstreaming as a central strategy for the implementation of the feminist foreign policy.

Related to and parallel with this was the Government’s aspiration to raise the ambition regarding integration of the gender perspective throughout Swedish agencies, including in Sweden’s development cooperation. Thus, in 2015, Sida was one of 41 government agencies tasked with drawing up a plan to strengthen gender mainstreaming within the agency until 2018. 

The present report is the final report of an on-going evaluation of Sida’s work to implement their Plan for Gender Integration. Twelve specific recommendations are formulated in the report regarding the place of gender in Sida’s work, staff preparation, support for addressing gender issues and follow up and continuation of the plan.

The report is only available in Swedish.

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