Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Protecting ourselves and each other. A Child rights & Protection resource

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FXB, Francois-Xavier Bagnoud-Uganda,The Bantwana Initiative

This resource booklet for child rights clubs was developed in collaboration with in-and-out of school child rights clubs in Western Uganda. The book includes stories, poems, and drawings by children around the seven most commonly identified child rights abuses and violations, including: Child Labour; Child Neglect;
Defilement; Domestic Violence; Drug and Alcohol Use; Early Marriage; and Denying Education. Its purpose is to educate children about child rights and child protection issues and to empower children to prevent abuse as well as respond to abuse when it happens. The book can be used as a training resource for youth groups, community workers, and social workers, as well as an activity book for child rights clubs and other youth groups active on child rights and child protection issues

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