Reports, Study: Evaluations

Protecting Children from Violence: A Synthesis of Evaluation Findings. Evaluation Report UNICEF

Publication year:






UNICEF, United Nations Children's Fund

This meta-synthesis provides an evidence-base for guiding effective advocacy and programming for protecting children against violence, as outlined in the Terms of Reference. This report is based on a review of findings of 52 evaluations commissioned by various UNICEF Offices from 2005 to 2010. These evaluations are focused on the issue of ‘violence’, which herein is broadly defined as sexual abuse and exploitation, child trafficking, child labour, children working and/or living on the street, children in residential care, children in conflict with the law, harmful practices and injuries to children. The evaluations focus on developing and transitional contexts, including countries transitioning from an emergency situation (e.g. armed conflict or natural disaster) to a recovery and early development phase. The purpose of the report is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge among UNICEF personnel and its partners.

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