SAIEVAC progress review on Prohibition of Corporal Punishment in South Asia.pdf_0.png

Prohibition of Corporal Punishment of Children in South Asia: a progress review

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SAIEVAC, South Asia Initiative to End Violence against Children

This report, entitled “Prohibition of Corporal Punishment of Children in South Asia: a progress review” was produced within the framework of Save the Children’s work with SAIEVAC and in collaboration with Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children. SAIEVAC builds on the strong commitments made by the eight SAARC Member States (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) to prohibit and eliminate all forms of violence against children and to implement fully the recommendations of the UN Study on Violence Against Children in South Asia. This report provides a detailed overview of the status of corporal punishment in the legislation of the SAARC Member States, in all settings of children’s lives (home, school, penal system, alternative care settings). It also identifies gaps in existing legislation and opportunties for legal reform.

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