Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Teaching Resources

Prevención y atención del castigo físico y humillante contras niñas y niños: Guía de trabajo para docentes

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Acción por los Niños,Save the Children

This publication, “Prevention and treatment of physical and humiliating punishment against children: Working guide for teachers”, is intended for educators of children aged 3 to 9 years and trainers or trainer programmes working with educational institutions.

The contents of the guide are organized into three parts. The first highlights the role of the educator in social and comprehensive child protection. The second addresses the situation of abuse, physical and psychological punishment of children. The third part is intended for the school and the need to develop a space to address psychosocial risk or child protection.

The guide therefore provides information to teachers about the causes and effects of punishment of children; it provides guidance on how to act and offers guidelines on how to be the main promoters of the protection of children in school. 

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