Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

A practical handbook to organizing summer camps for children: Protection, Learning and Fun!

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Terre des Hommes

This document represents a simple guideline for planning and organizing a summer camp for vulnerable children in need of protection. These guidelines target Child Protection Units (CPUs), civil society, government agencies and community based organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), schools and other child protection/welfare/rights/education stakeholders who wish to conduct summer camp activities. Although these guidelines are built upon Terre des homme’s (Tdh) experience in Albania and all the references are in line with the local context in the country, they can be easily adjusted and used as a basis in other countries. Building on the extensive experience of Tdh, this document reflects on the positive practices and challenges encountered during the process of planning and organizing summer camps, and provides practical guidelines for CPUs and other actors interested in organizing such activities.

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