Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Police Training Manual on Child Protection

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Save the Children Sweden

Save the Children Sweden, in collaboration with Forum on Street Children Ethiopia (FSCE) and the Police University College has developed the “Police Training Manual on Child Protection” to be used as source material for child rights and protection in police training programmes at national level both for initial and in service trainings. The police, as a responsible government body to ensure the security and safety of the public, has an important obligation to enforce the legal rights of children, to protect them from abuse and delinquency, and when exposed to abuse and offence, to facilitate the administration of justice. The manual is designed basically for use by police trainers and training institutions in the Ethiopian Police Service. Although it is primarily designed to be used in training, the manual can also serve as a major resource in the process to develop working guidelines for child protection functions; carry out child protection functions and services; and organize and manage child protection processes.
The manual consists of eight separate modules, each dealing with one major separate subject of study. The first three modules aim to enhance the knowledge and understanding about children,their rights and problems (the foundation issues); while the remaining five modules deal with various aspects of the police roles and functions.

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