Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

PFA One Day Programme Manual

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English, Arabic


pdf (4.8 MiB)


Save the Children Denmark

Published 2017, the PFA one day programme manual is a condensed psychological first aid training based on the original two-day Psychological First Aid Training for Child Practitioners. It builds on adaptations of this manual in Japan, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. This training offers child practitioners skills and competences to reduce the initial distress of children caused by accidents, natural disasters, conflicts and other critical incidents. Save the Children has also developed a one-day training on stress management for staff. This can be added to both the one-day and two-day PFA training and can be found in the original two-day training manual. The main difference between the one and two-day PFA training is that the original two-day training consists of both theoretical and practical information and activities. This one-day training mainly focuses on practical activities.

The programme is available in both English and Arabic.

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