Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Peacebuilding Tool for a Conflict-Sensitive Approach to Development : A pilot initiative in Nepal

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ADB, The Asian Development Bank

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) works with a number of developing member countries facing fragile and conflict-affected situations—circumstances that complicate economic development, and might include domestic or international conflict, ethnic tensions, vulnerability to natural disasters, or a confluence of these factors. The ADB piloted the peacebuilding tool (PBT) in Nepal as a conflict-sensitive approach, a key to effective and safe implementation of projects in the country’s post-conflict context. The peacebuilding tool is an analytical tool for assisting project team leaders and social experts in understanding the local context, and in identifying potential risks to implementation of development projects that are linked to social conflicts, as well as in formulating mitigation measures for addressing these risks. This publication highlights the experiences and lessons learned in applying the peacebuilding tool in Nepal in the hope that these will be useful in replicating the success achieved under the PBT pilot initiative, as well as in conducting assessments of fragile and post-conflict situations generally

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