Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

A Parenting Programme for the Palanhar Yojana – Beyond Cash: Making social protection deliver more for children in Rajasthan, India – Facilitator guide

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Save the Children Finland,Save the Children India

The Palanhar Yojana  (caregiver scheme) is a government of Rajasthan (India)  cash transfer programme aiming to reducing the vulnerability of children with limited parental care.  Save the Children has developed a parenting programme for the families receiving this grant focusing on improving the relationship between caregivers and their children as a means to promote children’s social and emotional development. 

Parenting Programme for the Palanhar Yojana  is a  guide for facilitators who have been trained to implement the 14 sessions that are included in this intervention.  The annex to the guide contains key materials used in the sessions. 

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