Policies, Standards, and Strategies, Study: Evaluations

Palestinian Child Participation & Representation Policy

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Save the Children

The framework of child participation in the occupied Palestinian territories increases in theory much more than it does in practice. Often, efforts are limited to involving children in some events and activities without mainstreaming child participation in decision-making and without empowering them to ensure their rights are realized. When talking about child protection, for instance, children are rarely seen as active participants in the planning, implementation and evaluation of projects and programs targeting them. Child protection is often seen as an issue for adults concerned with ensuring protection for children, who are treated as subjects for protection rather than social actors. Stereotyping children as the weakest social group has reinforced this approach and has presented children as victims of the surrounding circumstances, rather than as rights-holders.

Several plans and programs have been developed to promote child participation. Yet voices of children remain unheard in the Palestinian reality, whether at the family, school or societal levels. This document explores the different aspects of Palestinian society where child participation can be expanded and utilized.

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