Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Reports

Our Humanitarian Efforts: Overview of our humanitarian work in Bangladesh

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Save the Children

Disaster preparedness and risk reduction play a major role in preventing the loss of lives and livelihoods during disasters. Directly and with partners, Save the Children has been preparing vulnerable communities for natural disasters and works with the government, communities, and children to build capacity on disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, and effective humanitarian response. We mounted major responses to disaster starting from the 1970 cyclone to the recent floods in southeast and northwest locations, and we have the capacity to respond to any disaster which puts children at risk.

Save the Children as the humanitarian and development organisation is committed to reducing children’s and their care giver’s vulnerability to humanitarian crisis, ensuring their right to survival and development. Our humanitarian work is carried out in a multilevel, integrated and holistic way, interlinking sectors, partners, the government, like-minded institutions, and communities. This report provides a comprehensive overview of Save the Children’s interventions to support children and caregiver’s in the context of disaster in Bangladesh.

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