Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

A need for greater focus and sustained funding. Social protection and child malnutrition in Afghanistan

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Save the Children

Over the past decade Afghanistan has made tangible progress towards its social and development objectives and meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Infant and under-five mortality have gone down from 111 and 161 per thousand live births in 2008 to 77 and 97 per thousand live births respectively. Despite recent progress, nearly a third of Afghans are still food insecure and almost 60% of children under the age of five are stunted, an indicator of chronic malnutrition. To address these concerns, social protection provision must be extended and the quality improved to ensure benefits reach those who are most vulnerable, especially women and children.
This briefing calls for an increased focus on social protection as a means of tackling hunger and malnutrition. The Afghan government and donors can ensure a greater focus on nutrition within social protection plans, which can go a long way towards addressing malnutrition and the damaging effect it can have on children’s lives and their future potential.

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