
National Launches of the Committee on the Rights of the Child’s General Comment 19, in Latin America and the Caribbean

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Save the Children

General Comment (GC) 19 is the first UN document that provides States with a detailed guide about their legal obligation to invest in children. It presents recommendations about how States must insure that sufficient, equitable and effective resources are mobilized, allocated and implemented, in order to provide health, nutrition, education, and protective services to all children and adolescents, to create an institutional framework for guaranteeing children’s rights, and to help insure other rights that are stipulated in the CRC.

The GC 19 was launched globally on Thursday, September 22, 2016, in Geneva, Switzerland, and was coordinated by Dr. Jorge Cardona, a Spanish member of the Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Save the Children proposed organizing regional and national launches worldwide, to publicize the good news that the GC 19 represents for child rights, to empower children, adolescents and civil society organizations in relation to this topic, and to influence governments. This report presents the launch activities in several countries in the region.

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