Reports, Study: Evaluations

More Power to Her: How empowering girls can help end child marriage

Publication year:






ICRW, International Center for Research on Women

This report evaluates four programmes that utilized, in whole or in part, girl-focused approaches in their programming practices. The International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) wished to know if and how these programmes empowered girls and if this process of empowerment transformed child marriage-related attitudes or practices. The programmes were situated in Egypt, Bangladesh, India, and Ethiopia and each was evaluated separately to judge how and if they fulfilled the aforementioned ICRW research query.

From the analysis, ICRW highlights trends or “pathways” through which successful programmes expanded girls’ current and future abilities to make and act on strategic life choices. These are then intended to be used as inspiration and guidance for future planning of girl-centered programmes.

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